Mr and Mrs Twisting, aka Blue Leader, or to those of us who are in the know, 'Bubbles', were the kind hosts for the Dust Devils farewell party. With three couples about to leave NZ, Sam and Mandy permanently back to the UK, and Oliver and Julie off to the US/South America, it was a good excuse for us all to get together. A South American themed dinner and music, followed by a general knowledge quiz, for the benefit of the KTM riders in the crew, and the smashing of the pinata, all added to a great night. Now with all the survival gear we received, eg, Vegemite, amputated fingers, handgun, rat, and the blow up frame of Redleader I feel ready to tackle anything.
Julie, remember Tim's final words of wisdom. "Watch out when you're out there in the wild front ear." You had to be ear, sorry, there.