Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ushuaia was the goal for the day and pulling back the curtains it looked like Mother Nature would let us through with only a hint of what she had been dealing to us days before.
It was a beautiful relaxed ride through some of Tierra Del Fuego's best scenery. We even had a fox run across the road and position himself on the bank for us to have a close encounter, my first fox in the flesh.
After a stop on the Belgrano Pass looking back over Lago Fagnano it was time for the group to head down the valley to Ushuaia. Soon the city came into view sitting on the hillside overlooking the Beagle Channel. We had done it, reaching the southern most city in the world.
We checked into our accommodation and rode on into Tierra del Fuego National Park to get to the end of Ruta 3 and therefore the end of the road. Due to traffic lights the four bikes became separated and we ended up in the park on our own while the others took the long route.
This was to be the end of the road for John and Yonia who had travelled down from Alaska to reach this point.

 I must admit that after reading, watching and talking to people who had made it here and having dreamt about for many years, that to stand beside the sign brought tears to our eyes.
It was a great time and many visitors come here to the park to reach this point, so we had to wait our turn to be able to get the bike up next to the sign. Although the sign  is pegged off to vehicals, the local bus drivers knew what we had achieved and were only too happy to help get the bike through and take our picture for us.
 Annette was surrounded by school children, all asking questions in Spanish and loving the opportunity to try and speak English and understand where we came from. It was a great experience and one we will always remember.
Ushuaia is a lovely city that caters for many travellers. Those going to the Antarctic and those visiting the National Parks etc. A good place to be, because as I write this there is thick snow on the ground to sea level and I think we may be here for a day or two more. Not so bad.

Now we turn north and start the long journey to Prudho Bay, Alaska.


Bubbles Hyde said...

Unbelievable to see you guys by THAT sign. It always seems to be other world travellers and here we have two Dust Devils at the iconic place at the bottom of South America. Absolutely well done and we're all thrilled with the blog. The pics continue to be outstanding. While Sandy was at the Mall she saw some fire engines racing towards Hawthornden Rd but we're sure it was nothing to worry about. So do you think you'll head north now?

Donald and Annette said...

Thanks Bubbles, Still nothing compared to your epic ride last year. Find it hard to get the road kill pictures for your fetish. Everything ends up a skeleton very quick. If you need another country starting and ending in A this one would be it.