Saturday, July 18, 2009


Well, the day finally arrived. After a good going over by the crew at Avon City Suzuki the bike was transported out to Oxford to be crated and start the long journey to Chile via Singapore.
The guys at Ashley Industries did a fantastic job and took care of all the paper work and delivery to the depot in Christchurch. Would highly recommend their very professional approach to the job at hand. All we have to do now is get ourselves organised, finish work in a months time, tidy up the loose ends at home then board the plane for Chile, 15 September 2009.

The Start

September is fast approaching and a lot is left to do. Bike prep, crating, and the usual paperwork that this sort of venture brings.We aim to leave NZ mid September and arrive in Chile to await the bike's arrival by ship. This has been a life long dream and long term goal for both of us so we will be taking our time and hope to take in as much as we can see. After covering most of New Zealand's, and especially the South Island's back roads with of group of miss-fits called the "Dust Devils", it is time to look for roads less traveled. Riding two up will bring challenges enough, but then thats what makes life interesting. Remember you are a long time dead so just get out there and do it.