Thursday, September 17, 2009

Santiago Arrival

After an eleven and a half hour flight we arrived just after midday to an easy entry into Chile. Xray the bags and a quick sniff by the dogs and we were in. No body xray and welcome for ninety days. Watch out for the hawkers and con  artists and its into the Belavista district in the middle of the city. Nice friendly hostal and comfie bed. Santiago is a huge city,covered in smog with a tourist industry early in its growth cycle. The buildings are very old with so much history about them. Colourful on the outside but imacculate on the inside. Very friendly people who love to be dressed with the very best. There are a lot of Chinese bikes here but also lots of very up to date cars.

Tomorrow we will spread our wings a bit and see what we can find. With National Day about to happen things will move up a notch or two on the party front with the locals, interesting


Blue Leader said...

Ah, guys. Shipping company just rang and said bike is in San Diego not Santiago. Hope all is well & you enjoy touring in that ox & cart.

Donald and Annette said...

Well the horse and cart might be quicker than some of the Chinese bikes around here.They come in all shapes. Like gang members on 125 choppers complete with side bags and flags!!!!